Elowyn Vale always dreamed of a life beyond the cycle of meaningless administrative roles. Yet, here she was, 38, and jobless again—for the third time this year. This time, it was because she accidentally put the wrong date on invitations, only realizing this after 5,000 had been printed.

While the specifics were different each time, the underlying theme for being fired was always the same—carelessness.

Now, sitting alone on the subway, with the fluorescent light casting a stark, green shadow on everything, her heart raced almost as fast as the subway weaving through the tunnels. “How will I break it to June?” she wondered. “Rent is already hard enough to pay. What will we do with just one income?”

She hated herself for doing this to June. June was perfect, and Elowyn couldn’t help but ask herself what June saw in her, let alone how she put up with her. “Maybe this will be the last straw,” she thought.

“Stop,” she said to herself, shaking her head, squeezing her eyes shut, urging the tears not to flow. She did stop them, but now what flowed was anger—anger at herself for being so careless. Again.

When a man entered at the next stop, they both realized simultaneously that it was just the two of them on the train. She felt his intentions seeping through the air, like the slow, menacing creep of toxic smoke in a burning building.

He wore tattered black jeans ripped at the knees and a frayed hoodie that cast his face in shadow. Strands of grimy blonde hair poked out from the sides, and one eye, still visible, bored into her with the focus of a lion stalking its prey.

A crooked smirk crossed his face, and instead of feeling fear, anger surged through her like a dam cracking under pressure. As the anger coursed through her body, the sound of the train speeding through the tunnels became a distant, murky hum. It felt as though she were underwater, swept away by the current of her anger, making everything seem so far away, like they were the only people left in the world.

As he started to inch ever closer, taking one decisive step after another, her anger, already close to the surface, surged like a tsunami. Normally, she would reign it in, but she was so tired. Tired of feeling powerless and defeated, day after day, week after week. This was different. This, she knew she could confront head-on.

She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her fists tightly, willing the magic to build up inside her to calm him and shield her from him. When he was inches from her face, so close she could smell his breath, she grabbed his wrist, making the connection she needed. As the connection grew even stronger, she gasped, her eyes widening in shock as she felt something in him she didn’t expect.

In that moment, she knew with absolute clarity that he wasn’t evil, or even bad. He didn’t deserve any more pain than he’d already experienced in his life. Shifting her magic, she looked him in the eyes and whispered her incantation in a voice, ethereal and resonant, so powerful it caused the air around them to ripple.

The train was enveloped in a blinding white light. As she held onto his wrists and looked into his wide, scared eyes, she saw her spell take effect. His bloodshot eyes turned a clear hazel, his hair was washed clean, and his clothes were mended as if by an unseen hand. As the light started to fade, the greenish hue of the subway lights returned. He slumped, Elowyn gently catching him, and guiding him into the seat beside her.

As he breathed slowly, calm and sleeping quietly beside her, she watched his chest rise and fall. She savored the sight of the new man before her—his aura now a bright golden hue, radiating with the strength to be his best self. She could see his life flash before her, filled with family, friends, and a dedication to helping others in need.

When the announcement for her stop sounded, she whispered into his ear, “Embrace this second chance. You are meant to do great things, and now you have what you need to do them.”

Shoulders straight, head held high, she stepped off the train, filled with joy in what had happened and what was to come. But as soon as her feet hit the platform, the weight of her worries came flooding back. Her mistakes and job loss started taking over, making her feel scared, weak, and hopeless again. Each step towards home made her more nervous about facing June. The thought of being a constant disappointment was hard to shake off.

At their apartment door, Elowyn paused. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then slowly breathed out as she opened the door with resolve. She would face whatever came next. No matter what happened, she would figure it out, like she always had.

Inside, when June saw Elowyn’s face, her expression softened as she asked, “How was your day?”

Elowyn didn’t mince words; she didn’t have the strength to beat around the bush. She just blurted it out: “I lost my job.” Her shoulders slumped, and feeling overwhelmed, she sank onto the sofa, trying to hold back her tears, too afraid to look up at June.

Feeling her pain emanating off her, June’s heart broke for Elowyn. She knelt in front of her, taking Elowyn’s hands into her own and resting her forehead on Elowyn’s. They sat like that for at least a minute, as June quietly sent her love. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out together,” she said.

Elowyn felt a warmth spread through her. Maybe things were falling apart, but with June by her side, she felt a spark of hope. She wasn’t alone, and together, they could face whatever came next.

Author’s Note:

This story is inspired by the experiences many people with ADHD, like myself, have—caring deeply for others and helping them profoundly despite struggling ourselves. Elowyn’s journey highlights how tough it can be to see our own worth, especially when simple daily tasks feel overwhelming.

When Elowyn focuses on her job loss and doesn’t mention the man on the train, it reflects how we often emphasize certain aspects of life and overlook our true achievements. In a world where professional success is so important, it’s easy to forget that our real value isn’t always measured by our job status.

Elowyn’s story is a reminder that being able to help others, even when we can’t help ourselves, is a true strength. It’s about facing each day with hope, trying to find our place in the world, and remembering that we have the resilience to figure things out, no matter what.

About the Author

Hey there, I'm Susanna Miles, a writer and advocate who understands the ups and downs of life's twists and turns. As a creative entrepreneur with ADHD, I'm here to share stories, insights, and practical tips from my journey.

Join me in embracing the beauty of imperfections, navigating distractions, and finding the balance between creativity and business. Let's celebrate our unique paths together.

Stay curious,
Susanna Miles

P.S. Explore my tailored journals and planners to support your journey.

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