When I was (re)diagnosed with ADHD over a year ago, I recognized the need for change. As I delved into self-improvement, I realized the traditional organizational tools fell short for my unique brain wiring.

My research led me to the Bullet Journal, popular among those with ADHD. Yet to me, it seemed like more work, and other planners were either overwhelmingly detailed, insipidly bland, overly cluttered, or just missing the right structure.

It was while absorbing insights from Dr. Hallowell that a realization dawned: most planners tackled only fragments of the challenges stemming from executive dysfunction, characteristic of ADHD. The heart of the struggle for those of us with ADHD lay in managing short-term memory and effective sequencing of tasks which most planners don’t consider. So, for me, planning often felt like navigating a maze blindfolded-overwhelming and disorienting.

The consensus in what I read was clear: I needed an all-encompassing visual system, something that aligned the scattered dots in my mind. But with no existing tools fitting the bill, I embarked on creating one.

I won’t pretend my initial attempt was flawless. It evolved through countless revisions. Yet, the fruit of my labor, the “ADHD Planning & Goal Setting Framework,” consisting of six planners, has become my beacon in the chaos, enhancing my productivity remarkably. 

Now, I’m eager to share those 6 steps with you. I’ll keep it simple, listing each planner and what’s involved. But for more info, feel free to reach out.

1. The Big Picture Planner

I turn to this planner when I’m mapping out my overarching goals and strategies. It’s like having a roadmap for where I want to go. Honestly, it’s like my safety net against getting sidetracked or forgetting the big stuff!”

2. Yearly Planner, Organized By Quarter

This breaks down the year into quarters. Super useful for pacing myself and ensuring each period has clear objectives. If I feel like I’m juggling too much, this is the reality check I need.

3. The 90-Day Planner

I’ve found the 3-month planner truly helpful. It breaks down goals into more immediate steps, making them feel achievable instead of feeling swamped by long goals.

4. The Monthly Planner

The Monthly Planner acts as a reset button for me. Whenever things feel a bit too much, this planner helps recenter and refocus my energies. It is such a refreshing tool!

5. The Weekly Planner

The Weekly Planner is straightforward. It’s about tracking commitments and having a clear snapshot of the week, so nothing catches me off guard. It also guides my daily planning.

6. The Daily Planner

The Daily Planner keeps distractions at bay. It’s been instrumental in ensuring my main goals remain at the forefront of my daily tasks.

What should you do with this information?

Well… Start planning! 🙂

Regardless of whether you have ADHD or are just feeling scattered, overwhelmed, or distracted due to your lifestyle, a hormonal shift, or anything else, the process of getting clear is so, so important.

If you aren’t able to go through it in your head, check out the Planning & Goal Setting Framework to find out if it can help you. I hope it can!

About the Author

Hey there, I'm Susanna Miles, a writer and advocate who understands the ups and downs of life's twists and turns. As a creative entrepreneur with ADHD, I'm here to share stories, insights, and practical tips from my journey.

Join me in embracing the beauty of imperfections, navigating distractions, and finding the balance between creativity and business. Let's celebrate our unique paths together.

Stay curious,
Susanna Miles

P.S. Explore my tailored journals and planners to support your journey.

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